This meal is ideal for entertaining friends and doesn’t need much preparation. Serve with a salad, and a tomato salsa if you want some added flavour. Serves: 4 Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 20 minutes 5 A Day portions per serving: 2 For the fajitas:...
The energy found in food and drink is measured as calories. If we consume more calories than we burn off, our bodies store any extra as fat. Over time this could mean we put on weight. Following a healthy diet keeps a balance between the energy you put in and the...
This is a tasty way to change up your breakfast without bursting the bank with calories! PREP: 15 MINS. COOK: 25 MINS. CALS: 360. Ingredients: 400g jumbo oats juice 2 oranges (150ml), plus zest of ½ 1 tsp ground cinnamon 2 tbsp freeze-dried raspberries or strawberries...
Having eggs for breakfast will not only help keep you fuller for longer, but they are also a great source of protein and vitamin A which helps improve skin quality. PREP: 10 MINS. COOK: 15 MINS. CALS: 258. Ingredients: ½ tsp turmeric 1 tsp garam masala ½ tbsp rapeseed...
Start your day right with this filling bowl of oats, berries, banana and seeds. It’s healthy and packed with nutrients to fuel body and mind. PREP: 10 MINS. COOK: 5 MINS. CALS: 533 Ingredients: 100g frozen raspberries 1 orange, ½ sliced and ½ juiced 150g...
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