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Peppermint Tea

Peppermint Tea

Do you ever find yourself craving something after dinner, perhaps something sweet? Sounds familiar, right. That’s why we  want to discuss peppermint tea with you. Now, some of you might already be singing the praises of peppermint tea. For those of you who aren’t...
Black Bean Brownies

Black Bean Brownies

When you’re making changes to your eating habits, it might seem as though the quickest way to get results is to cut out all the ‘unhealthy’ foods. We know of so many people who have done this and then found it can actually make it harder to commit to healthy eating....
Stretches For Your Lower Back

Stretches For Your Lower Back

How many of you ladies spend your day sitting at a desk? How many of you are lifting heavy weights as part of your training, or regularly carry your children? We’re pretty sure most of you would have been included in those groups we just mentioned. If so, you have...